Laser-2-Focus Anemometry (L2F)

Laser 2-Focus Anemometry (L2F) enables the non-contact measurement of flow velocities and particle properties even in flow channels that are difficult to access optically.


Areas of application

  • Non-contact velocity measurement: Precise measurement of flow velocities and turbulent flow variables.
  • Particle properties: Qualitative measurement of particle sizes and concentrations.
  • Use in narrow flow channels: Suitable for measurements with limited optical accessibility.

Functionality and advantages

  • Measurement principle: Determination of the flow velocity by measuring the time of flight of particles between two focused laser beams.
  • Signal processing: Scattered light pulses from particles are optically recorded, amplified and electronically evaluated.
  • Statistical evaluation: Average velocities and turbulent fluctuations are calculated by analyzing many particle movements.
  • Special advantages:
    • Small optical access.
    • High signal-to-noise ratio.
    • Very small measuring volume, ideal for boundary layer measurements.

Technical details

  • Measurement variables:
    • Flow velocity.
    • Particle concentration.
    • Particle size distribution.
  • Extensions to the TFD:
    • Qualitative measurement of particle size distributions and concentrations.
    • Measurement in areas that are difficult to access optically using highly focused laser beams.