Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA)

The Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA) is a precise variant of hot-wire anemometry that measures flow velocities and turbulent flow variables with high temporal resolution. Its mobility and versatility allow it to be used in a wide variety of flow applications.


Areas of application

  • Flow analysis: Precise measurement of velocities and turbulent flow parameters.
  • High-resolution measurements: Detection of the smallest vortex structures in complex flow fields.
  • Versatile use: Application in flow fields of various turbomachines, e.g. diffusers and turbines.

Functionality and advantages

  • Measuring principle: Temperature dependence of the ohmic resistance of an electrically heated sensor around which a fluid flows provides data on the flow velocity.
  • Constant temperature circuit: A Wheatstone bridge circuit is used to keep the wire temperature constant, ensuring precise and fast measurements.
  • 3D measurements: Multi-wire probes allow the flow velocity to be recorded in all three spatial directions.
  • Mobility: The TFD CTA system is mobile and can be used on various test benches.

Technical details

  • Resolution: High temporal resolution for detailed detection of turbulent flows.
  • Measuring volume: Small volume allows the smallest flow structures to be analyzed.
  • Main applications: Regular use on the axial diffuser test bench and for determining the degree of turbulence on the air turbine test bench.