Areas of application
- Non-contact measurement: Flow velocities and turbulent flow variables.
- High temporal resolution: Optimum detection of highly turbulent flows.
- Multi-dimensional flow analysis: Investigation of velocity and direction with up to three jet paths.
Functionality and advantages
- Measurement principle: Two coherent laser beams generate an interference pattern in the measuring volume, the interference of which is detected by fluid particles.
- Doppler burst signals: The speed and direction of the flow are calculated from these signals.
- Calibration-free and non-invasive: The method does not affect the flow field and requires no calibration.
- Multidimensional analysis: Up to three velocity components can be recorded simultaneously.
Technical details
- Interference pattern: Frequency shift by Bragg cell enables direction determination.
- Beam paths: Up to three different wavelengths for multidimensional measurements.
- Application on the TFD: Two-dimensional LDA on the diffuser test bench for flow field measurements near the housing wall.
- Measured variables: Two-dimensional velocity vectors and turbulent fluctuation quantities.