Stationary pneumatic probes

A variety of probe types are used at the institute. The spectrum ranges from simple Pitot tubes for total pressure measurement to various multi-hole probes for flow vector measurement and comb probes, which are used for precise map measurement. In addition to the total pressure heads, the comb probes also have temperature tower measuring points and, in some cases, multi-hole heads.

Field of Application

  • Measurement of total, static and dynamic pressure in flow fields
  • Determination of the velocity vectors of a flow field


In the course of numerous projects, extensive know-how has been built up in the use as well as in the in-house development and production of pneumatic probes. The probes are calibrated on the institute's own high-speed calibration channel (HGK). The alignment of the vector probes in the flow field is done by self-developed radial and peripheral probe adjustment devices. In addition, it is possible to calibrate flow probes numerically.

Measurement principle

For total pressure measurement, a tube is inserted into the flow field with the opening perpendicular to the direction of flow. The static pressure is determined, e.g. by wall pressure drilling in the flowed-over area. The dynamic pressure is calculated by taking the difference between the total pressure and the static pressure.

Measurement Parameter

  • Static-, dynamic- and total pressure
  • Determination of velocity vectors in the flow field Total temperature (with additional thermocouple
  • Total temperature (with additional thermocouple at the measuring head)
Picture - 5-hole probe with temperature measuring point (5mm probe head diameter) Picture - 5-hole probe with temperature measuring point (5mm probe head diameter) Picture - 5-hole probe with temperature measuring point (5mm probe head diameter)
5-hole probe with temperature measuring point (5mm probe head diameter)
Picture - Comb Probe with combined total pressure- total temperature measuring points in keel heads, as well as a multi-hole head Picture - Comb Probe with combined total pressure- total temperature measuring points in keel heads, as well as a multi-hole head Picture - Comb Probe with combined total pressure- total temperature measuring points in keel heads, as well as a multi-hole head
Comb Probe with combined total pressure- total temperature measuring points in keel heads, as well as a multi-hole head


Dr. Niklas Maroldt
Group Leader
Aeroacoustics, Aeroelasticity and Wind Energy
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Dr. Niklas Maroldt
Group Leader
Aeroacoustics, Aeroelasticity and Wind Energy
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen