Our Team

Aeroacoustics, Aeroelasticity and Wind Energy

Group Leader

Dr.-Ing. Niklas Maroldt
Aeroacoustics, Aeroelasticity and Wind Energy
 Niklas Maroldt  Niklas Maroldt

Research Staff

Jonathan Binder, M.Sc.
 Jonathan Binder  Jonathan Binder
Jan Gößling, M.Sc.
Deputy Team Leader Aeroacoustics, Aeroelasticity and Wind Energy
 Jan Gößling  Jan Gößling
Stefanie Lohse, M.Sc.
 Stefanie Lohse  Stefanie Lohse
Jasson Printezis, M.Sc.
 Jasson Printezis  Jasson Printezis
Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Schuler
 Johanna Schuler  Johanna Schuler
Frederik Waßmann, M.Eng.
 Frederik Waßmann  Frederik Waßmann
Philipp Wölk, M.Sc.
 Philipp Wölk  Philipp Wölk