in QIS
- Meaning of the drive for flight task, hover, types of propulsion, jet propulsion, propeller drive
- Theoretical basics, basic physical laws, thrust, power and efficiency, mission of a commercial aircraft, schematic structure of simple jet engines, cycle
- Changes in state of inlet, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine and nozzle
- Efficiency, optimization of the cycle, definition of the design point, design and layout of jet engine components, compression shocks, stage theory and straight blade lattice, losses, similarity measures, compressor and turbine cooperation
- Maps, rotating separation, pumps, acceleration behavior, engine control, engine start, engine arrangement on the aircraft, engine noise and acoustic damping
- Jet engine with afterburning, twin-engine, wave engine, ramjet engine, rocket engines
- Heat transfer and cooling, development trials for turbines, test benches and measurement technology, computer-aided design and optimization, flow control and loss minimization, pollutants, combustion chamber vibrations.
Recommended Previous Knowledg
- Fluid Mechanics
- Turbomachinery
- Thermodynamics
Recommended Literature
- Bräunling: Flugzeugtriebwerke: Grundlagen, Aero-Thermodynamik, ideale und reale Kreisprozesse, thermische Turbomaschinen, Komponenten, Emissionen und Systeme. 3. Aufl., Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2009
Type of Examination
- Written exam
30823 Garbsen
Deputy Team Leader Multiphysics of Turbulent Flows
30823 Garbsen
Deputy Team Leader Multiphysics of Turbulent Flows