Publikationen von Pascal Franke, M.Sc.

Internationale Konferenzbeiträge, begutachtet

  • Franke, P.; Nyhuis, M.; Wein, L.; Mimic, D. (2023): Robust Numerical Operating-Map Prediction through Systematic Selection of Turbulence ModelsProceeding of 15th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ETC 15, April 24-28, Budapest
  • Franke, P.; Wein, L.; Seume, J.R.; Mimic; D. (2023): Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Squealer Tips on the Performance of a 4½-Stage Axial CompressorProceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2023 Kyoto

Internationale wissenschaftliche Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften, begutachtet

  • Franke, P.; Wein, L.; Seume, J.R.; Mimic, D. (2024): Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Squealer Tips on the Performance of a 4½-Stage Axial CompressorInternational Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems, Volume 15, Number 3, June 2024
    DOI: 10.38036/jgpp.15.3_89
    ISSN: 1882-5079