Lück, S.; Göing, J. ; Nachtigal, P.; Mimic, D.; Friedrichs, J.
Design and Performance Analysis of a Fuel Cell Propulsion System Driven by a Hydrogen-Fired Micro Gas-Turbine,
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2024, Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition
Sinopoli, F.; Schulz, Y.; Carandente R.; Krempus D.; Mimic D.; Nachtigal P.; de Servi C. M.; Colonna, P.; Pini, M.
Impact of the Working Fluid in Orc-Based Waste Heat Recovery Systems for Turboshaft Engines,
Proceedings of the Chania24 Turbomachinery Technical Conference, Global Power & Propulsion Society (GPPS)
Franke, P.; Nyhuis, M.; Wein, L.; Mimic, D.
Robust Numerical Operating-Map Prediction through Systematic Selection of Turbulence Models,
Proceeding of 15th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, ETC 15, April 24-28, Budapest
Franke, P.; Wein, L.; Seume, J.R.; Mimic; D.
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Squealer Tips on the Performance of a 4½-Stage Axial Compressor,
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2023 Kyoto
Stoewer, M.; Mimic, D.
Influence of Seasonal Ambient Temperature Variations on Compressor Performance Predictions,
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2023; IGTC-2023-227
Blechschmidt,D.; Mimic,M.
A Machine-Learning Approach for the Prediction of Time-Averaged Unsteady Flow in Turbomachinery,
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition
Blechschmidt,D.; Mimic,M.
Performance Prediction of Cooled Compressors Using Neural Networks,
Proceeding of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2023 Kyoto
Lück, S.; Göing, J.; Wittmann, T.; Mimic, D.; Friedrichs, J.
Fuel cell-based propulsion architectures for short range aircraft,
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2023; IGTC-2023-101
Active Flow Control with Variable Injection Rate for Off-Design Operation,
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2023; IGTC-2023-243
Schoen, M.P.; Oettinger, M.; Mimic, D.
Deep and Machine Learning-based Methods for Defect Classification in Jet Engines,
Proceedings of 2023 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC)
Kim, H. R.; Mimic, D.; Seume, J. R.
Influence of Mode Shape on Forced Response of a Low-Pressure Compressor,
Proceedings of the Global Power and Propulsion Society Xi’an Conference
Mimic, D.; Sauer, P.; Seume, J. R.
Sensitivity of Compressor Performance and Tip-Leakage Vortices to Inhomogeneous Casing Heat-Flux Distributions,
Proceedings of the Global Power and Propulsion Society Xi’an Conference
Mimic, D.; Oettinger, M.; Jätz, C.; Herbst, F.; Seume, J. R.
Thermal End-Wall Contouring,
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2019, 17–21 June 2019, Phoenix, USA, GT2019-90191
Oettinger, M.; Mimic, D.; Henke, M.; Schmunk, O.; Seume, J. R.
Loss Assessment of the Axial-Gap Size Effect in a Low-Pressure Turbine,
Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society (GPPS) Beijing Conference, 16-18 September, 2019, Beijing, China. Paper GPPS-BJ-2019-0207
Mimic, D.; Oettinger, M.; Sauer, P.; Herbst, F.
Shock–Vortex Interaction in a Transonic Turbine Cascade,
Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society (GPPS) Beijing Conference 2019, 16-18 September, 2019, Beijing, China. Paper GPPS-BJ-2019-0008
Mimic, D.; Herbst, F.
Influence of Transonic Flow on the Tip-Leakage Vortex in a Turbine Cascade,
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2019, 17-22 November, 2019, Tokyo, Japan. Paper IGTC-2019-082
Schwarzbach, F.; Mimic, D.; Herbst, F.
Profile Aerodynamics of an Oscillating Low-Pressure–Turbine Blade,
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2019, 17-22 November, 2019, Tokyo, Japan. Paper IGTC-2019-048
Mimic, D.; Jätz, C.; Sauer, P.; Herbst, F.
Total Pressure Loss Reduction in Annular Diffusers,
Proceedings of Asian Congress on Gas Turbines (ACGT) 2018, 22-24 August 2018, Morioka, Japan, ACGT2018-TS01
Mimic, D.; Jätz, C.; Herbst, F.
Increasing Boundary Layer Stability for Varying Degrees of Diffuser Loading,
Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Forum (GPPF) 2018, Global Power and Propulsion Society (GPPS), 07-09 May 2018, Montreal, Canada, GPPS-2018-0006
Mimic, D.; Jätz, C.; Herbst, F.
Correlation Between Total Pressure Losses of Highly Loaded Annular Diffusers and Integral Stage Design Parameters,
Proceedings of Shanghai 2017 Global Power and Propulsion Forum, 30 October – 1 November, 2017, Shanghai, China, GPPS-2017-0063
Mimic, D.; Drechsel, B.; Herbst, F.
Correlation Between Pressure Recovery of Highly Loaded Annular Diffusers and Integral Stage Design Parameters,
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2017, 26-30 June, 2017, Charlotte, USA, GT2017-63586